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Sneak Peak…

Sunlight Exposure

One of the most life changing habits that we can acquire is taking sunlight in the first 15 minutes of our day. This is because sunlight exposure is also associated with improved sleep quality and doing this during the morning can help regulate our circadian rhythm and promote better sleep at night.

Sun in Pittsburgh

When the photons from the sun reach our eyes, the neurons connected to the eye send a signal to the hypothalamus which helps us release hormones like testosterone, estrogen and cortisol. Some effects of the release of this hormones are:

How does lighting affect mental health in the workplace
Pathway of Sunlight

Finally during sunny days 5-7 minutes of sunlight in the morning to start your day and during cloudy days 10-15 minutes of sunlight. Do this without the use of glasses or windows to trigger the hypothalamus into starting the clock inside your body.

Next week we are going to talk about blue light and it’s greatness…

Achieve Age Reduction

The most successful biohacker, Bryan Jhonson, created a program named Blueprint in which publicly he shows the biomarkers of his body while he is optimizing for longevity. Right now he is 5.1 years younger than his biological age and to achieve this he expends 2 million per month. I will be sharing what he does to achieve this. Come to the dojo.

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Discover the effortless path to painless longevity by reading us... We publish every Sunday. We are passionate about exploring the latest advancements in health, wellness, and longevity, and believe that everyone should have access to this tools.


The field of longevity, along with artificial intelligence, is set to revolutionize the way we live. In light of this, I'm committed to making the information contained in scientific papers more digestible and accessible to everyone.